WOODWIND & BRASS (excludes flutes)
Click on a CD image for further information & sound samples
Click for further detailsAbendlied for bassoon and piano by Martin Gatt & Margaret Lynn
Bassoonist Martin Gatt and pianist Margaret Lynn continue with their collaborative project to express the songs of Schumann, Schubert, Brahms plus others through the voice of the bassoon. This CD features 23 works exquisitely and uniquely arranged by Martin Gatt
Click for further detailsCalle de las Flores by The British Clarinet Ensemble
Featuring works by British Composers the BCE recorded this their third CD in Copford Parish Church, Copford, Essex in August 2008. The producers are Tim Redpath & Rachel Calaminus. The music on the CD is: The Sands of Time, ROB WIFFIN; Introduction and Rondo - GORDON JACOB; Nebula - EDWIN ROXBURGH; Three Southern Sketches - JAMES RAE; Wind in the Reeds - GORDON JACOB; Molly on the Shore - PERCY GRAINGER arr. Andrew Smith; Jiggery-pokery - SIMON SPEARE; Calle de las Flores GORDON LEWIN.
Click for further detailsChamber Music Discoveries by Trio B3 Classic
Works by Robert Kahn, Jonathan FeBland, Rodney Newton, Jorge Grundman Isla and David Johnstone.“B3 Classic” draw attention to the history of the chamber music repertoire for these three instruments as well as involving itself in the more contemporary creation. Such fruits can be seen in the present disc – especially the recuperation of a wonderful romantic trio of Kahn and their championing of the English composers Jonathan S. FeBland and Rodney Newton.
Click for further detailsConcerto for Oboe, Harp and Strings by RLPO with Eleanor Hudson Harp & Jonathan Small Oboe
5th Volume of complete orchestral works of William Alwyn from Naxos features the popular Elizabethan Dances, which contrast ancient and modern dance rhythms from the courts of Elizabeth I and II. The atmospheric Symphonic Prelude “The Magic Island” was inspired by Shakespeare’s The Tempest. A perfect evocation of Spring, The Innumerable Dance is a tone poem in all but name. This and the exquisite miniature Aphrodite in Aulis have not been heard for over 70 years, and here receive their first recording. Composed during World War II, the Oboe Concerto expresses the composer’s yearning the peace and beauty of the English countryside.
Click for further detailsContemporary British Clarinet Music by Roger Heaton (clarinet) & Stephen Pruslin (piano)
ASC Classical Series from NWCA (North West Composers' Association). Recorded in 1997 this disc features works by David Forshaw, Jeremy Pike, John Reeman, Kevin Malone, Geoffrey Kimpton, David Golightly and Stephen Plews

CD CoverA Field of Scarecrows - John Kenny Trombone George Nicholson Piano
A Field Of Scarecrows is dedicated to the memory of the English composer Paul Keenan, who died in 2004. Paul and I had been friends for since we met in the Birmingham School Symphony Orchestra in 1972. Paul was an outstanding clarinettist but also a quite exceptional composer, who achieved his mature identity before the age of twenty, and then continued to work on a small number of exquisite and highly complex scores for the rest of his life. He never achieved – or sought – commercial success, and he died having heard only a small part of his music. The title track of this album was the last piece he wrote for me, and it is undoubtedly one of the most challenging and extraordinary pieces ever composed for trombone and piano.

CD CoverForest ~ River ~ Ocean : John Kenny: Carnyx, Trombone, Alphorn
Performed by Yaggdrasil String Quartet, The Gathering, John Whiting

As soon as I began to work with John Creed's magnificent reconstruction of the Deskford Carnyx, all of us involved with the project realised that we were dealing with something quite extraordinary; a legendary 2,000 year old War Horn which had come to life, not only as a show-case replica, but also as a beautiful instrument with a unique voice, to speak afresh in the modern world. But more than this, the Carnyx is a key which can unlock possibilities far beyond its own potential, either as a musical instrument or an archaeological artifact - it is a potent symbol of regeneration and reconciliation, representing a common cultural heritage, which can touch and stimulate people of widely divergent race and creed.
Click for further detailsFrançaix, Damase and Poulenc: Trios for Wind and Piano by The Lynn Trio
Three delightful French wind trios by Jean Françaix, Jean-Michel Damase and Francis Poulenc grace this debut album from the acclaimed Lynn Trio. The work by Damase was originally scored for oboe, horn and piano but was specially arranged for oboe, bassoon and piano for this compact disc with the composer’s personal blessing, and is a world première recording.
Click here for further details about this albumGordian Knots by the British Clarinet Ensemble
Featuring works by British Composers. Michael Ball: Concertino, Alan Bullard: Cyclic Harmonym, Paul Hart : Eric's Czardas, Eric Hughes: Celebration Overture, Gordon Lewin: Grand Old Duke of York, Guy Woolfenden: Gordian Knots
Click here for further detailsIntroduction and Allegro for Harp, Flute, Clarinet & String Quartet. Ravel.
Bela Kovacs - clarinet & Kodaly Quartet
Naxos CD with Debussy String Quartet No 1 in G Minor & Ravel String Quartet in F. Kodaly Quartet with Zoltan Gyongyossy - flute, Bela Kovacs - clarinet and Eva Maros - harp.

Click here for further detailsIt's All Been Arranged by Chameleon Brass
"Their virtuosity is only matched by their enthusiasm" Phillip Ellis - Conductor Birmingham Royal Ballet Orchestra.

Click here for further detailsKissan Clasurol with Rhys Taylor, Catrin Finch and Dewi Ellis Jones
"Clasical Kissan" a compilation CD bringing you some of Wales' most talented classical artists - Catrin Finch on the Harp, Rhys Taylor on the Clarinet, Dewi Ellis Jones on Percussion.
Click for further detailsLive by B3 Classic Trio / Clarinet - Cello - Piano
We were able to appreciate the high chamber music level of this wonderful group, their absolute involvement with the work they are playing, and the continuous musical texture always at the service of the music. You do not have the impression of hearing three instruments playing together, but one solo instrument with three different colours.” (Fidelio) ‘La Rioja’ , Rioja
Click for further detailsLocking Horns by John Kenny & Etienne Rolin
Locking Horns is the title of Etienne Rolin’s duo for carnyx & soprano saxophone, and also the name we call ourselves when we perform as a duo. Etienne is a true polymath: composer, multi instrumental performer, painter, philosopher, equally at home in the worlds of jazz, baroque music, or the most extreme European avant garde. He has composed more music for me than any other composer, including a trombone sonata, trombone concerto, over thirty solo pieces, chamber works in almost every conceivable combination. However, from our very first meeting in Paris in 1984 we have always improvised together, and improvisation underpins this album of compositions, and structures for improvisation. We are joined by the percussionist / singer / actor Marc Depond.
Click for further detailsLooping the loop by The British Clarinet Ensemble
Anthony Bailey - Towards the Wind & Mahleriana; Alan Bullard - Circular Melody; Martin Ellerby -Looping the Loop (Chicago-Hop); Adam Gorb - Burlesque; Gordon Jacob - Concertino for Clarinet (Selected and arranged from Sonatas of Giuseppe Tartini with soloist Anna Hashimoto); Andy Scott - Fujiko & Paquito; Nigel Wood - Where Spirits and Demons dance; Guy Woolfenden - Three Dances for Clarinet Choir
Click for further detailsMadeleine Dring Collected Chamber Works by The Lynn Trio
A collection of charming pieces, nostalgia-laden yet wittily penned, by this greatly under recorded post-war British composer. This disc features world première recordings. Radio listeners will have enjoyed the disc on BBC Radio Three 3 for all and Brian Kay's Light Programme 

CD CoverThe Marshall Plan: The Poetry of Grantly Marshall set to Music by John Kenny
I had known Grantly Marshall for many years as a dynamic and imaginative theatre producer before I discovered his alter ego as a poet. Until 1999 I would have described him as an adventurous entrepreneur with a passion for theatre, repeatedly taking hair raising risks to market contemporary music theatre at an international level. His enduring success in this notoriously cut-throat world betokens a gambler’s iron nerve coupled with the hardest of hard business noses - so when I received a volume of Grantly’s poems just in time for Christmas 1999, I was genuinely surprised: here was an entirely new and unsuspected side of a friend that I thought I knew reasonably well – and yet it suddenly explained so much that I had observed yet not fathomed, in particular his attitudes to creativity, and to his own native America. I have received a new volume in my Christmas post every year since, and it didn’t take long for Grantly and I to fall to talking about the relationship of music and poetry. This album is the fruit of those discussions. John Kenny

Click here for further detailsMysterious Barracudas by Respectable Groove
Respectable Groove is a unique line up of recorder, harpsichord, double bass and percussion. All the music they play is specially composed or arranged for the group & combines a quirky view of early music with a subtle and elegant take on Jazz, Latin and Celtic music.

Click here for further detailsNew Chamber Music Discoveries by B3 Classic
“B3 Classic” draws attention to the history of the chamber music repertoire for these three instruments as well as involving itself in the more contemporary creation. Such fruits can be seen in this second 'Warner Music Spain' CD - which features the world premiere recording of the grand trio by the formerly important classical composer Adelbert Gyrowetz, and beautiful, yet hardly known, works by Emil Hartmann (Serenade), Paul Juon (Miniatures) and Robert Kahn (Serenade).

Click for further details of Beyond DreamsNomad by Polarity Percussion Ensemble - John Kenny - David Moss
NOMAD came about as the result of a long walk in the Black Forest with Palestinian / German percussionist Bassam Abdul Salam. We had been working together in Ensemble Modern, and Bassam was extremely excited by the reconstruction of the carnyx, and the idea that such an ancient object could be used for contemporary expression. As a member of an ancient but dispossessed people who face considerable obstacles to making their voice heard in any non violent medium, the concept of this ancient traveler through the human cultural landscape was very appealing. This is a live recording of the debut performance of Nomad: Bassam Abdul Salam leading the Polarity Percussion Ensemble of Freiburg, with the American free jazz singer David Moss, and myself on carnyx, trombone & voice. Also featured are giant metal sound sculptures which are struck, stroked and bowed to produce extraordinary, unearthly colours – I used the largest of these again in my music for the TNT Theater Co.’s production of Moby Dick, in which Bassam became the voice of a pod of whales! John Kenny
Click here for further detailsPanorámicos Chamber music for winds, string and piano: Works by Griebling-Haigh, Morgan, Schulhoff
Eclectic in the best sense of the word. A strong sense of place pervades most of the handsome works on ‘Panorámicos,’ which takes its title from the piece by Margaret Griebling-Haigh that evokes panoramas of central New Mexico. Local color is far-flung, ranging from America and Europe to mystical Chinese terrain. But what binds these pieces is a clear sense of harmonic language, as well, as haunting and sometimes jaunty personality. Donald Rosenberg Gramophone May 2005
Click for further detailsSchumann & Brahms for bassoon and piano by Martin Gatt & Margaret Lynn
Renowned bassoonist Martin Gatt and his pianist of 20 years standing, Margaret Lynn, render to disc the results of a three-year collaboration to explore the classical and early romantic repertoire. In doing so they show just how extraordinarily expressive this instrument can be. Legendary stuff from the acclaimed master, this unique CD is destined to become a collector’s item
Click for further informationTea for Two by Celtica Duo 
' ..... the combination of the harp with the oboe is a winning formula - sweet and witty .... under the captivating spell of these players the time flew too quickly for us.'Cardiff Post - St. David’s Hall, Recital.
CD CoverThe Voice of the Carnyx by John Kenny
This recording is the first in a series on the British Music Label representing a cross-section of my work as a performer and composer. An ancient and until recently neglected instrument, the trombone has been undergoing something of a renaissance in the past 40 years. John Cage wrote his Solo for Sliding Trombone in 1955 and Luciano Berio his Sequenza 5 in 1966. These pieces were the start of an explosion of composition for the trombone which has led to the possibility for trombonists to seriously contemplate careers as soloists. Even at the time I left the Royal Academy of Music in 1978 this was still considered a ridiculous idea.
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