SM0465: Folio 39 Margaret Daunt Memorial Folio

The Clarsach Society Folios
Folio 39 Margaret Daunt Folio
Elementary Level

Cover ImageTunes in the Book:

1. O Gin I were a Baron’s Heir - arr. Margaret Collin
2. Milligan’s Waltz - Corrina Hewat
3. Ian MacDonald’s Jig - Corrina Hewat
4. Mingulay Boat Song - arr. Lydia Jackson
5. Alexander Gibb - arr. Alison Kinnaird
6. Ceòlraidh Dhùn Omhain (The Dunoon Gathering) - Anne Macdearmid
7. The Golspie Gathering - Anne Macdearmid
8. The Breeze on the Brae - Isobel Mieras
9. Jane’s Jig - Isobel Mieras
10. Cearc air Greideal Theth (Hen on a Hot Girdle) - Marie Louise Napier
11. The Wishing Waltz - Marie Louise Napier
12. Cadal Chan Fhaigh Mi (No sleep for me) - Charlotte Petersen
13. Còta Geàrr Sgiobalta (Short, neat coat) - arr. Toni Russell
14. The Youngest Ancient Mariner - Phil Cunningham, arr. Patsy Seddon
15. Barvas Moor (Mòinteach Bharbhais) - Wendy Stewart
16. Brechin Castle - arr. Heather Yule
17. Ishbel Begg (Sticky Jig) - Heather Yule

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Score Information

Title: Margaret Daunt Memorial Folio
Composer/Arranger: various - see above
Instrumentation: Solo Lever Harp
except tunes 6 & 7 which are for Two Lever Harps
Level: Elementary Level
Format: Wire bound
Size: A4
ISBN: 979-0-708115-08-3
Our Ref: SM0465
Publisher: Clarsach Society
Printer/Distributor: Creighton's Collection
Edition/Year: Second Edition January 2015
Origin: UK

Sample page from the book

Sample page

Margaret Daunt (1912 - 2006)

Margaret DauntMargaret Daunt

Comunn na Clàrsaich (The Clarsach Society) formed in Dingwall in 1931 celebrated its 75th Anniversary in 2006. The Music Committee of Comunn na Clàrsaich decided to produce for the Society a 75th Anniversary Folio of music suitable for Elementary players. A number of our well-known composers and arrangers were invited by the committee to contribute appropriate music for this Folio for which we thank them.

The Executive Council of Comunn na Clàrsaich decided to dedicate the 75th Anniversary Folio to the memory of Mrs Margaret Daunt. She was a member of the Society from its early days, and worked tirelessly to promote the Clarsach. From 1958 she was an Honorary Vice President of the Society until her death in 2006.

Chomharraich Comunn na Clàrsaich, a chaidh a stèidheachadh ann an Inbhirpheothfharain ann an 1931, an 75 ceann-bliadhna aca ann an 2006. Cho-dhùn Comataidh Chiùil Chomunn na Clàrsaich leabhar comharrachaidh 75 bliadhna a thoirt a-mach le ceòl a bhiodh iomchaidh dha chluicheadairean aig ìre Bunasach. Chaidh cuireadh a thoirt dha grunn sgrìobhadairean is luchd-rèiteachaidh ceòl iomchaidh a chuir ri chèile airson an Leabhair seo agus tha sinn a’ toirt taing dhaibh.

Cho-dhùin Àrd-chomhairle Chomunn na Clàrsaich an Leabhar Comharrachaidh 75 bliadhna ainmeachadh mar chuimhneachan air a’ Bh.Ph. Màiread Daunt. Bha i na ball den Chomunn bho na tràth-bhliadhnaichean aige, agus rinn i saothair mhòr airson a’ chlàrsach a bhrosnachadh. Bho 1958 bha i na Ceann-suidhe Urramach air a’ Chomuinn gus na bhàsaich i ann an 2006.


Publications by The Clarsach Society