SD1042: The Wild Hunt

The Wild Hunt
Stephen Dunstone

Cover imageThe Wild Hunt
for Mixed Ability Four Part Harp Ensemble

Please click the "About this work & Performance Notes" heading below for further details

This book is supplied as a score and set of 4 parts


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STWD · The Wild Hunt by Stephen Dunstone (4-part ensemble)

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About this work & Performance Notes

I have put chord names into the melody parts, so that anyone who feels like it can add their own accompanimental harmony. However, anyone doing so would have to add in one or two more pedal markings; the lever change indications should be enough as they are.

I've also indicated right and left hands for Harps 2 and 3 (and for Harp 4 from bar 29) with tails up / tails down - partly because a lot of my pupils are better at leaping their hands over each other than they are at arpeggio-type stuff in one hand, but mostly because I think it looks so much better in performance to keep both hands in play, even if the line is playable in one hand. But individual players can of course do what they feel comfortable with. The only places where I feel quite strongly that the performers should use their hands as indicated are these:-

Harp 3 bars 13 - 20
Harp 2 bars 29 - end

Both harps have essentially the same music in these passages, and using the hands as indicated really helps bring out the important notes in the melodic line.

Then from bar 29 to the end in the Harp 3 part, I've indicated whole bars of right or left hands in order to faciliate lever changes.

Finally I should say that although I've written four parts here, and it sounds great to have all four, the piece is not totally unplayable with fewer parts - as long as you've got the melody and some low harmony, and preferably some of the other fancier bits, you'll still have a satisfying version.

Library Information

Title: The Wild Hunt
Composer: Stephen Dunstone
Instrumentation: 4 Lever or Pedal Harps
Level: Mixed Ability
Format: A4 stapled score and set of 4 parts
Weight: 108gm
ISMN: --
Our Ref: SD1042 Pink Edition
Publisher: Stephen Dunstone
Distributor: Creighton's Collection
Edition/Year: 2014
Origin: UK

Sample Pages

Sample Page