SD1028: Pink Bird

Pink Bird
Stephen Dunstone

Cover imagePink Bird
For - Intermediate 4-part harp ensemble

Please click the "About this work & Performance Notes" heading below for further details

This book is supplied as a score and set of 7 parts
(Harps A, B, C & D, as in the score, plus separate parts for Melody, Countermelody, and Harmony.


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Artist Profile and catalogue of works - Stephen Dunstone

Audio Sample

About this work & Performance Notes

Pink Bird

There are seven parts as follows::-

Harp A
Harp B
Harp C
Harp D
Melody Ony
Countermelody only
Harmony Only

Pink Bird can be played as written in the score by four players of equal ability (or even by a hundred players, with twenty-five to a part) who all get a turn at playing the different melodies and harmony lines. If rehearsal time is at a premium and / or the players have varied levels of expertise, it’s also possible for players to stick to Melody only, Countermelody only, or Harmony only (the Countermelody appears from verse 2 onwards).

I’ve provided parts for Harps A, B, C and D, as in the score, as well as separate parts for Melody, Countermelody, and Harmony.

The piece goes back and forth between F major and D minor, so lever harpists need to pay careful attention to where the lever changes are. I’ve marked these in the score as well as the parts. Pedal changes only appear in the individual parts.

Stephen Dunstone

Library Information

Title: Pink Bird
Composer: Stephen Dunstone
Instrumentation: 4 Lever or Pedal Harps
Level: Intermediate
Format: A4 stapled score and set of 7 A4 parts
Weight: 202gm
ISMN: 9790570464128
Our Ref: SD1028
Publisher: Creighton's Collection
Printer/Distributor: Creighton's Collection
Edition/Year: 2022
Origin: UK

Sample Pages

Sample Page