SD1020: 'Fraid Not

'Fraid Not
Stephen Dunstone

Cover image'Fraid Not
Intermediate Three Part Harp Ensemble

Please click the "About this work & Performance Notes" heading below for further details

This book is supplied as a score and set of 3 parts


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STWD · 'Fraid Not by Stephen Dunstone (3-part ensemble)

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About this work & Performance Notes

The reasons why this piece is called 'Fraid Not are somewhat convoluted. The title came about as the result of a rather bumpy train of thought triggered by reactions to the confident and showy South American rhythms of the piece and the beguiling melody, mingled with thoughts about certain meat products that we associate with that part of the world. I'm going to leave it as cryptic as that...

...Ultimately, though, it just felt the right title for the piece!

I have suggested some dynamics in the score, but I honestly won't feel hurt if you decide to play it differently - just go with what feels right for you.

I have also put lever and pedal changes into the music for Harps 2 and 3, as there are relatively few, but the Harp 1 part has frequent chromatic changes, and markings in addition to the existing accidentals would clutter the score up. However, aince it's not possible to change the relevant levers or pedals very far in advance, the accidentals should give sufficient warning. Although it's theoretically unnecessary to indicate a reversion to naturals and flats in a subsequent bar, I have done so as a lever/pedal-change indication (these are marked in brackets).

Library Information

Title: 'Fraid Not
Composer: Stephen Dunstone
Instrumentation: 3 Lever or Pedal Harps
Level: Intermediate
Format: A4 stapled score and set of 3 parts
Weight: 95gm
ISMN: --
Our Ref: SD1020 Pink Edition
Publisher: Stephen Dunstone
Distributor: Creighton's Collection
Edition/Year: 2014
Origin: UK

Sample Pages

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