SD1007: Strutting Your Stuff

Strutting Your Stuff
Stephen Dunstone

Cover imageStrutting Your Stuff
Fairly Straightforward though fast and syncopated Three Part Harp Ensemble

Please click the "About this work & Performance Notes" heading below for further details

This book is supplied as a score and set of 3 parts


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STWD · Strutting Your Stuff for 3-part Harp Ensemble by Stephen Dunstone

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About this work & Performance Notes

When I composed Strutting Your Stuff, I was actually trying to write a completely different piece. The other piece just didn’t seem to coming, so I decided to go out for a walk in the woods and hope that inspiration would strike. It was one of those beautiful days when your spirits lift just by being outside in the fresh air under a blue sky, so when inspiration did strike, it struck in a very jaunty way, planting this piece straight into my head, fingers and feet. So this is what I wrote as soon as I got back home. (The other piece worked out well eventually, by the way, a few days later...)

I haven’t put very many dynamic markings in (at least, not in the F major sections): play those outer secctions with irrepressible cheerfulness and it will sound just right.

There are some lever changes needed for the D minor section, but there’s plenty of time for them in the Harp 1 and 2 parts. The Harp 3 players will need to be just a little bit niftier in bars 43 and 61, but the changes are still easily manageable if you’re ready for them and if you have a nice relaxed left arm. For anyone with much less lever-changing experience, I’ve put a couple of notes in brackets which could be omitted in an emergency: you could either leave out the chord at the end of bar 42 to give you more time to change the lever, or leave out the C in bar 43 so you don’t need to change the lever at all. (It’s exactly the same music in bars 60 and 61.) It’s best if at least one person can keep those notes in, though!

Library Information

Title: Strutting Your Stuff
Composer: Stephen Dunstone
Instrumentation: 3 Lever or Pedal Harps
Level: Fairly Straightforward though fast and syncopated
Format: A4 stapled score and set of 3 parts
Weight: 95gm
ISMN: --
Our Ref: SD1007 Pink Edition
Publisher: Stephen Dunstone
Distributor: Creighton's Collection
Edition/Year: 2017
Origin: UK

Sample Pages

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