Album Trevithick's Train
Artist Sprig

A musical celebrating the world's first steam train journey on rails. The CD contains English, Welsh and Instrumental versions of the work so that the music can be used to form the listener's own, do-it-yourself musical. Aimed at School and youth groups.

“Trevithick’s Train is a very good example of imaginative work that strengthens the History curriculum, is cross-curricular and enriches Y Cwricwlwm Cymreig with exciting experiences” Elin Jones, ACCAC

“A brilliant idea, simple in its musicality; full of colour and fun. This is the first time that I have come across an educational idea of its kind” Dr. Meredydd Ifans

Our Ref (s) A0045 CD Cover
Format(s) CD-R
Price £10.00
Track listings and sound clips
CD Notes and Credits
Artist Information & contact details

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This page was last updated on 18 November, 2004