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SM0760 Cello Suite no. 6 BWV1012

Cello Suite no. 6 BWV1012
JS Bach
Edited for lever harp by Anne-Marie O'Farrell

Cover ImageCello Suite No. 6
Gavottes I and II

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Library Information

Titles: Cello Suite no. 6 BWV1012
Works: Suite
1. Prelude
2. Allemande
3. Courante
4. Sarabande
5. Gavottes I and II
6. Gigue
Composer: JS Bach
Edited: Anne-Marie O'Farrell
Instrumentation: Lever Harp
Level: Advanced
Score: A4 Eing Bound (wire)
Weight: 120g
Our Ref: SM0760
ISMN: --
Publisher: Anne-Marie O'Farrell
Distributor: Anne-Marie O'Farrell
Edition/Year: 2018
Origin: Ireland

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