SM185: Latin American Harp Music

Latin American Harp Music
Violeta Ramos

Cover Image: Latin American Harp MusicsThis book is for harp students interested in basic Latin American rhythms, generally interpreted with this instrument. There are easy songs accompanied with a CD for a better interpretation. The CD is an expressed interpretation with chords not found in the score but can be used for a better interpretative comprehension.

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Artist Profile, Recordings & other Scores - Violeta Ramos

Contents & Audio Samples


Programme Notes
Biography (English, Spanish & German)

1. Dulcinea Durmiendo
2. Cuarteando
3. Maraqueando
4. Tu dulzura
5. Recordando al hornerito
6. Milonga pá Comenzar
7. Eliana Maylén
8. Haciendo chipa con Jazmín
9. Volar
10. Cajita de música
11. Acá no bailamos milonga
12. Por ver tu sonrisa
13. Medias de conejo
14. Carnavaleando

Spanish Notes
German Notes

Composers Notes

Latin American Harp Music

1. Dulcinea Durmiendo - Dulcinea sleeping (Guarania)
Jose Asunción Flores, is the creator of guarania, Paraguay's national rhythm. In 1925 he experimented with an old popular song in the guarani language, "Maerãpa reikuaase", making the Guarani genre, a folk rhythm that converts Paraguay in one of the few countries in the world with its own music from a known author.

2. Cuarteando - Quartering
This rhythm is inspired on Vidala, Argentine folk song singing with a caja (percussion instrument). Quartering makes reference to the quart intervals that I use in this song.

3. Maraqueando - Shakers (Joropo)
Joropo is a Colombian and Venezuelan dance and song.
The harp, the cuatro and shakers integrate the clinking combination of the Venezuelan flat plains. The harp and shakers are used in the north and central regions. Other instruments are the guitar, mandolin or bandola. In Colombia, according to the region the cuatro, requinto and carracas are used.

4. Tu Dulzura - Your Sweetness (Zamba)
Zamba is an Argentine dance of flirting couples. It is an interpretation of playful love, where the male persisting surround the female, and the female always evades him until he finally gets her. The symbol is a handkerchief on the dancer's hands to express their feelings.

5 Recordando al Hornerito
Remembering the Hornerito (Malambo)
The malambo is a dance virtuoso and spectacular proper of the gaucho. Each dancer shows his tapping abilities, establishing a lot of enthusiasm on the other dancers. This dance is common in the Argentine rural areas. The instruments used are the guitar, and the bombo. The hornerito is a bird that makes his nest from clay using its legs and it looks like it is dancing the malambo. Maria Elena Walsh makes as image this in her song "malambo del hornerito".

6. Milonga pá Comenzar - Milonga to start (Milonga)
The milonga rhythm covers Argentine and Uruguay.
The milonga has two functions: as a song by itself used in the rural area or to dance, tango-milonga, faster than the preceding one. The milonga song, usually plugged on the guitar, very ingenious and complicated melodies, can also be used as a background to sing a song.

7. Eliana Maylén
I was inspired for this composition in the romantic bolero. A dance and sing genre from Cuba, but internationally known. One of its greatest interprets was the Mexican Agustin Lara.

8. Haciendo Chipa con Jazmín
Making Chipa with Jazmin (Polka)
The polka is, together with the guarania, the most important rhythm in Paraguayan folk music. The polka originally comes from Bohemia, the Czech Republic. Like many folk dances in Latino America, the arrival of Europeans after the "discovery" of America for the Spanish people, brought cultural elements that were incorporated to the natives and with proper characteristics of the region. The Paraguayan polka is a lively couple's dance. It is interpreted with the Paraguayan national instrument, the harp. The chipa is a Paraguayan specialty similar to a bread, made with cassava flour.

9. Volar - Flying (Guarania)
Flying giving freedom to the imagination knowing that everything is possible if we obey the universal laws and being grateful to God.

10. Cajita de Música - Music Box (Gato)
The gato is a dance. The most remote date is from Peru around 1780. People of different social classes danced it in Argentine, Peru, Chile, Uruguay and Paraguay, but it was in Argentine were it became stronger.

11. Acá no bailamos Milonga
We do not Dance Milonga here (Milonga)
There is an Argentine expression that says, "We have to milongear", making reference to be stressed, for example with a mischievous child. The dancing milonga is very fast, so the expression; but with our daughter we did not have to dance milonga because she peacefully slept and I could write these songs.

12. Por ver tu sonrisa - To see your smile
This item was created and developed to see my daughter's smile, since as soon as I will start to play it she will approve the music with a smile.

13. Medias de Conejo - Rabbit's Socks
This tune was created while my 5 months old child was moving her feet with this rhythm. I saw a dancing rabbit, since her socks had a rabbit face and ears.

14. Carnavaleando (Carnavalito)
The carnavalito is a group dance with several movements (circle, bridge, windmill, etc).
It was danced in America before its discovery and it is still practiced in north and eastern regions of Argentine and Bolivia. It is a prehistoric dance from the Incas time. Its instruments are the quena, charangos, guitars and bombos.

Library Information

Title: Latin American Harp Music
Composer/Arranger: Violeta Ramos
Instrumentation: Lever Harp
Level: Intermediate Level
Format: Stapled with Study CD
Size: A4
Total Pages: 44
Weight: 190gm (including CD)
ISMN: M-57046-013-7
Our Ref: SM185
Publisher: Creighton's Collection
Edition/Year: 2010
Origin: UK (EU)

Sample page

Sample of the music