SM017: The Dirty Laundry Rag (Pedal Harp)

The Dirty Laundry Rag
Park Stickney

Harp Music - The Dirty Laundry Rag

One day, while doing my laundry as an undergraduate at the University of Arizona, I found myself humming a tune--a tune that I didn't recognize! After I finished drying (and folding), I went to the harp and worked out the melody, which eventually became the piece you're now holding. It was pure chance--it could have just as easily been the "shaving samba" or the "all-nighter waltz,"
but I was out of socks. I hope you enjoy this piece, and that your sock drawer is always full.

Park Stickney Valeyres-sous-Ursins 2007

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Score Information

Composer: Park Stickney
Instrumentation: Solo Pedal Harp
Level: Intermediate
Format: Stapled
Size: A4
Pages: 6
ISMN: not issued
Our Ref: SM017
Publisher: Overdressed Late Guy Productions
Year: 2007
Origin: EU

Sample page from the score

Sample of the music