Sheet Music & Scores from Creighton's Collection
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Title Wishful Thinking
Composer David Johnstone
Instrumentation String Orchestra (Violin 1 & 2, Viola, Cello, Bass)
Duration Performance time approx. 6.00 mins
Cat. No. DJ005 (Johnstone Music Cat. No. JM 05 SC)
Edition / Format 2005 A4 Score & Extractions (instrumental parts)
Wishful Thinking is a fun piece for String Orchestras of all sizes, equally suitable for almost chamber groupings of some 12 players up to full symphony orchestra string section size. It is generally rhythmical, influenced by the British pop tradition, but with wistful melodies that give the piece a certain classical reference. The briefest mention from the Beatles ‘Yesterday’ is no more than a fleeting moment of respect, before the typical Johnstone harmonies continue on their way. All the string instruments have their moments of melodic ‘glory’, before the piece comes to a most gentle resting point at the end. The sub-title ‘Amara, Donostia’ refers to the district of San Sebastian where the Basque National Orchestra has its home – the ‘Swinging Strings’ of this orchestra were the first to promote and record the piece.
Parts Violin 1, Violin 2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Sound sample Listen (mp3 clip from the album Entre Dos Mundos)
Price Conductor Score £13.50, Extractions (Instrumental Parts) available individually as required, £1.00 each
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Front Cover Cover image for Wishful Thinking
Page 1 of score Music sample for Wishful Thinking
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This page was last updated on 2 October 2007