David studied composition with Richard Steinitz at Huddersfield
University. Born in Co Durham and now based
in Cheshire, a number of his compositions have been commissioned
by eminent performers, including “Moods” for Roger
Heaton, “Rites of Passage” and “The St
Petersburg Mass” for The Roussland Soglasie Male Voice
Choir of St Petersburg. In addition, David has
composed prolifically for theatre and film. The most notable
credits include “Blue Remembered Hills”, “On the Razzle”, “The
Glass Menagerie”, “Cider with Rosie” and “Under
Milkwood” (Theatre), “Out of the Depth” and “I’m
no Angel” (Film). David
has had his concert music performed as far afield as America,
Germany, Poland and Russia. He now combines a hectic freelance
career, working
as a commercial orchestrator, with that of
a classical composer and conductor.
To add to his credits, David
was also acclaimed for his arrangements for the Latvian opera
singer Inessa Galante on her CD “Arietta”. A number
of David’s compositions will be premiered
later in the year 2000-2001. These include a performance of
his piano sonata by Jessie de Bellis at Carnegie Hall, New
York, (Dec. 21st 2000)
and at the Jacqueline du Pre Theatre in Oxford
(Jan. 13th 2001). Important premieres scheduled for Russia
in the year 2001 include the “First Symphony”.
Much of David’s serious
music is recorded and available from CD retail outlets. In
2001, two further CDs of David’s music are scheduled
for release.
David was chairman of “The North-West Composers’ Association” and,
at the moment, is a director of the newly
formed British Academy. In addition, he is also one of the
classical representatives for the “PRS Advisory Group” established
to assist the company review its public performance
and broadcast policy.

Male Voice Choir of St Petersburg
Conductor - Alexander Govorov
Pianist - Demitri Tepliakov
The Soglaise Male Voice Choir of St. Petersburg consists of professional
vocalists who are soloists in their own right. Many
have second specialities such as conducting, musicology and instrumental
performing. The majority of the choirs repertoire consists of
Sacred and Secular music. However, they have commissioned
and performed a number of new pieces from Russian and foreign
composers, most notably "The St. Petersburg Mass" by
the English composer David F Golightly, premiered
in the State Capella Hall, St. Petersburg, in May 1994.
The word “Soglaise” means
The conjunction of human voices; the agreement between people
for peace and harmony in the world”. A considerable
amount of the choirs repertoire has been researched and arranged
by its members. Much of this music was previously
forbidden and it is due in no small part to the
choir’ efforts, that a great deal of traditional
Russian Church music is being heard again, thereby
reviving a beauty and richness which is unique.
OF PASSAGE: Poems, A Pushkin, Translated by Henry Jones.
LIFE'S CARRIAGE: Heavy laden, trusty mellow, Lightly
speeds the carriage fleet. Father Time - a lusty fellow.
Never leaves
the driving seat. Take our place in the morning. Hurry! Hurry!
Let's be gone!. Comfort, ease and safety scorning, Only cry:
Get on! Get on!. Noon tide! Jogged about and jolted. Heads have
had the time to cool. Heavens! Have the horses bolted? Take it
easy, Time you fool!. Evening comes, the carriage gliding, Dozing,
now we know the road. Father Time, the horses guiding, Take us
to our last abode!.
2 THE BIRD: From home an exile, still preserving,
The custom of a by gone day, The Festival of Spring observing,
A captive
bird I loose away. Consoled, at one with Nature living, How could
I now to God complain, Who gave to me the joy of giving, Its
freedom to this bird again?
3 THE SINGER: Oh, did you hear the singer in
the grove, Who sings of love and sadness never ending, The morning
silence with
the singer softly blending, In simple plaintive notes of hopeless
love? Oh,, did you hear him? Oh ,did you hear him? Oh, did you
meet in darkness in the wood, One who sings of love and grief
unending? A smile or trace of tears descending, Or mournful glance
betray to you his mood? Oh, did you meet him? Oh, did you meet
him? Oh, did you sigh to hear his tender voice, His song of love
and sadness never ending, See his grieving glance upon you bending?
And when you saw him did your heart rejoice? And did you sigh?
4 THE FLOWER: Forgotten, in a volume faded,
A dried and scented flower I find, My heart by strangest dreams
invaded, A hundred
questions came to mind. Oh, whence and when? How long to flourish?
What Spring? A stranger's hand or friend? Has culled this flower
to fade and perish? How came it here? Is this the end? Momento
of a tender meeting? Or token of a last farewell? Or lonely rambler's
visit fleeting, To silent field or shady dell? And he, the giver,
she receiving, Oh, where are they this present hour? Together?
Parted? Are they living? Or gone, like this forgotten flower?
5 OMENS: I went to thee, and lively dreams,
Around me wound in joyous dancing, And from the right, the moon
her beams, Sent
down to light my steps advancing. I came from thee, and gloomy
dreams Pursued any sad, retreating figure, And from the left,
the moonlight beams Cast shadows ever darker, bigger. Twas ever
thus!, And it would seem, The poet's mood, sublime or tragic,
Commands the signs and omens magic, That weave the fabric of
his dream.
6 ELEGY: I have outlived my youth's desiring.
Enchanting dreams allure in vain. My empty heart, no more aspiring,
Knows only
suffering and pain. Storms of fate have shaken. The blossoms
from my fairest flower. And I am sad, forlorn, forsaken, And
only wait the final hour. Thus, winter's icy tempest driving,
To strip the trees with strident blast, A single trembling leaf
surviving, My linger on, but falls at last.
American Folk songs arranged by David F Golightly
1 BUFFALO SKINNERS: It was in the town of
Jacks'boro, In the year of seventy three, When a man the
name of Crego, Came stepping up to me, Saying how do you
do young fellow? And how would you like to go? And spend the summer pleasantly,
On the range of buffalo? Our hearts were cased with buffalo hocks, Our souls
were cased with steel, And the harships of that summer, Would nearly make you
reel, While skinning them darned old stinkers, Our lives they had no show,
For Indians waiting to pick us off On the range of Buffalo.Buffalo
stinking, stinking
buffalo, Buffalo, darned buffalo, Yaho Indians Yaho! Yaho!. Get along mule!
Our food it was buffalo hump, A iron wedge of bread, And
all we had to sleep on was
a buffalo for a bed, The fleas and gray backs worked on us, Oh boys it was
not slow, I can tell you there's no hell on earth, Like the
range of buffalo. Oh!
Oh! now we've crossed Pease River, And home ward we are bound, No more in that
hell fired country, Shall we be ever found, Going home to our wives and sweethearts,
Tell the others not to go, To the God forsaken Buffalo range And darned old
2 CHISHOLM TRAIL: Come along boys and listen to my tale, I'll
tell you of my troubles, On the old Chisholm Trail, Come a ti-yi-you-py, you-py,
yea, you-py,
yea, Come a ti-yi-you-py, you-py, yea. Oh, its bacon and beans most every day,
I'd soon rather eat prairie hay, Come a ti-yi-you-py, you-py, yea, you-py,
yea Come a ti-yi-you-py, you-py, yea. The wind did blow and the rain did fall,
looked by grab like to lose them all, Come a ti-yi-you-py, you-py, yea, you-py,
yea Come a ti-yi-you-py, you-py, yea. I don't give a damn, If they never do
stop, I'll ride as long as a eight day clock, Come a ti-yi-you-py, you-py,
yea, you-py,
yea, Come a ti-yi-you-py, you-py, yea.
3 SHENANDOAH: Oh, Shenandoah, I long to hear you, Away you
rolling river, Oh, Shenandoah, I long to hear you, Roll away we're bound away,
Cross the wide Missouri.
Oh, Shenandoah I love your daughter, Away I'm bound to go, Oh, Shenandoah,
I love your daughter, Away I'm bound to go, Cross the wide, wide, cross the
Missouri. Oh, Shenandoah, I'm bound to leave you, Away you rolling river, Oh,
Shenandoah, I'll not deceive you,- Away, we're bound away, Cross the wide Missouri.
Oh, Shenandoah, I long to hear you, Away you rolling river, Oh, Shenandoah,
I long to hear you, Away we're bound away, Cross the wide, cross the wide Missouri.
Oh Shenandoah.
4 THE STREETS OF LAREDO: As I walked out in the streets of
Laredo, As I walked out in Laredo one day, I spied a young cowboy, All wrapped
in white linen, All
wrapped in white linen as cold as the clay. Was once in the saddle, I used
to go dashing, Once to the saddle, I used to go gay, First down to Rosie's
and then
to the card house, Shot in the chest, I am dying today. Beat the drum slowly,
play the fife lowly, Play the dead march as they bear up my pall, Put bundles
of roses over my coffin, Roses to deaden the clods as they fall. As I walked
out in the streets of Laredo, As I walked out in Laredo one day, I spied a
young cowboy wrapped up in white linen, All wrapped up in white linen as cold
as the
5 JOHN HARDY: John Hardy was a desp'rate little man, He carried
a razor every day, He shot down a man on the West Virginia line, Ought a seen
John Hardy
getting away, Lord, Lord, Ought a-seen John Hardy getting away. John Hardy
drew a four
card straight, His opponent drew a pair, John failed to catch and the other
fellow won, But he left him dead in his chair, Lord, Lord. Left him sittin'
dead in
his chair. John Hardy stood in the barroom door, Hic! So drunk he couldn't
see, Hic! Along came the sheriff with his little boys in blue, Saying "Johnny
come and go with me" Lord, Lord, "Johnny come and go with me" John
Hardy stood in the cell block door, Tears runnin' out of both eyes, He looked
up to heaven and the stars above Saying, "Dear Lord, I'm ready for to
die" Lord,
Lord, "Dear Lord I'm ready for to die" They took John Hardy to his
hanging ground, And left him there for to die, The last word I ever heard that
boy say was, "My forty odd it never told a lie" Lord, Lord "My
forty odd it never told a lie" |
Folk songs Text
Soloist: Gennadi Martemianov, bass.
A young man drives his troika (three horse cab) along the Piterskaya Street
singing happily and slightly drunkenly. He meets his sweetheart and demands
three times that she kiss him, each time, despite rebuke, his demands become
more insistent and daring.
Solists Nikolai Vinogradov, counter tenor.
A passenger in a horse-drawn sledge,
on the post route, travels across a vast expanse of countryside, listening
to the horse's bell. The melancholy song of the driver prompts the passenger
to reminisce and recollect his past loves.
This Terek-River Cossacks song tells about the hardship and dangers of military
service a long way from home. The never-say die attitude of the Cossacks can
be heard throughout this song.
The Song of the Don Cossacks Soloist; Konstantin Ikhsanov,
Oh, you are so broad the Steppe, the vast Steppe;
You have spread so far and wide Mother
Steppe. Oh, is that the Steppe eagle taking wing? NO, it's only Don Cossack,
who rides the plain: Oh, don't you fly, eagle, so high across the earth,
Oh don't you ride, Don Cossack, close to the riverbank.
A famous Russian work song of the Burlaki (the workers, who used to tow the
barges on the Volga River).
Soloist. Evgeni Akimov, tenor.
A young man sings to his beloved.
Soloist: Vladimir Checnev, basso profundo.
A sledge -driver on the poste route, frozen, and waiting for death , sings
sadly to the endless, snow-bound Steppe. He asks his comrades to say good
bye to his wife and give her his wedding ring. He declares his love for her
in death.
Soloist: Vladimir Checnev, basso profundo.
The fog has fallen and made roads invisible. A highwayman is thinking "Is
it really my own fate to rob" He asks the sun to rise and lighten all
around so that he may find some other way of life in the future.
Dmitri Shilov, bass.
A merry folk song about the gnat.
A happy song of the Don Cossacks in which a young man sings about his love.
Soloist: Vladimir Chechnev, basso profundo.
Once there were twelve robbers who lived in a dense wood. Their leader's
name was Kudeyar.Kudeyar's conscience is stirred and so he leaves the others
Spend the rest of his life in a monastery.
23 BARYNIA. Barynia (Lady)
This well-known folk song and dance is usually performed at Russian wedding
parties in honour of the mother-in-law.
Soloist Igor Vozny, tenor.
A middle -aged man listens to the evening Bells, which prompt him to remember
his youth, his first love and former companions, many of whom are now dead.
Soloist Igor Vozny, tenor.
A well known Russian song which celebrates the beauties of nature and the
singer's sweet-heart "Kalinka. The word Kalinka means a guelder-rose, a symbol
of a young bride. |
The Eye (Chamber Opera)
“His well-crafted score is taut and often very
Chris Aspin, Manchester Evening News.
“The highlight of
the production was undoubtedly the vibrant score”
Natalie Angelsey, Oldham Arts.
The St. Petersburg Mass
“It is a work of great talent”
Alexander Polisohuk, Conductor of the State Conservatoire Orchestra. “Music of stunning orchestral
virtuosity and emotional depth”
Victor Pleshak, Leading Composer Member of the Union of St.
Petersburg Composers.
“It is Music of the Heart”
Professor Mussin, Head of Conducting, St. Petersburg Conservatoire
“According to the great composer Mussorgsky, ‘Of
greatest importance for a composer is his
search for truth’; it Is this truth we hear when
we perform David Golightly’s music”
Alexander Govorov, Conductor of the Rouss-land Soglasie
Choir of St. Petersburg
Englishman with a Russian soul”
Alexander Govorov, Conductor of the Rouss-land Soglasie Choir
of St. Petersburg |