CD A0408: Entre Cuerdas

Entre Cuerdas
Edmar Castaneda

CD Cover"I always wondered: Why do I play the Harp? Now I know that God created music to do his will and that I was gifted with this instrument not only to play it but to show the beauty of his creation. Thank you God for making me part of your plans!" Edmar Castaneda.

Also featuring:-
Marshall Gilkes - trombone
Dave Silliman - Drums-Percussion
John Scofield - Guitar
Andrea Tierra - Canto
Joe Locke - Vipes
Samuel Torres - Cajon

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Profile & discography

Track Listing & Audio Samples


1. Sabroson
2. Entre Cuerdas
3. Jesus de Nazareth
4. Colibri
5. Song of Hope
6. Colombian Dixie
7. Canto 6:11
8. Looking Forward
9. Afro Seis

Album Information

Title:     Entre Cuerdas
Artists: Edmar Castaneda
Instruments:     Harp + guest musicians
Genre: Columbian / Jazz
Format: CD
Our Ref: A0408
MCPS: AS0095
Label: Arpa y Voz
Year: 2009
Origin: Columbia